monitoring reports

monitoring reports2021-08-28T12:13:34+03:00

August 2022 “Promote wastewater treatment and reuse in the water scarce areas of the Middle East and North Africa through development and demonstration of innovative financial instruments and inclusive management plans”

Contracting party:           European Commission Starting Date:                  Martch 2017 Ending Date:                     August 2022 The EU has approved yet another project with ARIJ, this project focuses on [...]

August 1, 2022|August 2022 "Completed Projects|

Launching report / “Monitor Israeli violations against the Right to Water and Sanitation (Right to Water) and their association with other human rights violations”

About this report: This report aims to monitor Israeli violations against the Right to Water and Sanitation (Right to Water) and their association with other human rights violations, as regulated by international human rights conventions signed by the state of Israel, in [...]

July 19, 2022|Latest News, Special Reports 2022|

President Biden: Welcome to Palestine, and this is where We Stand

There is a saying in the Middle East “all the problems, the conflicts, and tribulations falls back to Palestine” and one would think that there is some exaggeration to that, but there is not. Meaning that all issues of the Middle East [...]

July 13, 2022|Latest News, Special Reports 2021|
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