monitoring reports

monitoring reports2021-08-28T12:13:34+03:00

July 2021 ” Emergency WASH intervention to improve the water supply chain in unconnected communities in Area C to mitigate the negative impacts of the COVID-19 crisis”

Contracting party:         Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED) Funded By:                      OCHA United Nation Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Starting Date:                 October 2020 Ending Date:  [...]

July 1, 2021|July 2021 “Completed Projects|

Launching of 3D visualization tool for East Jerusalem

The Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem (ARIJ) and its partners in the project launched the first 3D visualization system for the city of Jerusalem in an easy-to-use site, users can fly over and view landmarks, buildings and streets of the city of [...]

June 2, 2021|Latest News|

March 2024 ” Building resilience to enhance food security and nutrition of poor families through Practicing Innovative Green Agro-Technologies in Palestine-II. (PIGAT-II). “

Contracting party:         Mennonite Central Committee Funded By:                      Mennonite Central Committee Starting Date:                 April 2021 Ending Date:                   March 2024 This [...]

April 1, 2021|On-Going Projects|

March 2021 ” Building resilience to enhance food security and nutrition of poor families through Practicing Innovative Green Agro-Technologies in Palestine. (PIGAT) “

Contracting party:         Mennonite Central Committee Funded By:                      Mennonite Central Committee Partners:                         N/A Starting Date:                 April 2020 [...]

March 1, 2021|March 2021 “Completed Projects|

February 2021 ” Support Solid Waste Management Preparedness and Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Provision of Sanitation and Hygiene in Public Spaces in Bethlehem Area, West Bank, Palestine”

Contracting party:         UN-Habitatt Funded By:                      UN-Habitat and Al Waleed Philanthropies Starting Date:                 November 2020 Ending Date:                    January 2021 [...]

February 1, 2021|February 2021 "Completed Projects|
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