monitoring reports

monitoring reports2021-08-28T12:13:34+03:00

People in Gaza need water -Now-

URGENT PUBLIC STATEMENT FROM THE WASH CLUSTER The hostilities that started on 7 October have triggered unprecedented needs and constraints on humanitarian access. The strip, which for the past 16 years has been under a strict closure, is now completely under [...]

October 19, 2023|Latest News, Special Reports 2023|

The Instigation of Apartheid Roads Era: Israel blocks Palestinian movement inside West Bank Governorates

According to international observers, Israel constrains the West Bank territory with 567 various types of obstacles; 77 of which are main checkpoints and partial checkpoints that control movement between Palestinian governorates, access to Jerusalem and beyond the Green Line. In fact, Israel [...]

October 17, 2023|Latest News, Special Reports 2023|

Benjamin Netanyahu: Pay Attention: It is time to end the Israeli occupation of the territory it occupied in 1967

When the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of the government of the Israeli occupation blabber gibberish thoughts while he addressed the General Assembly on Friday, September 22, 2022 before the UNGA in a futile attempt to alter indisputable reality, then he is in [...]

September 25, 2023|Latest News|

Hayan’s Inspiring Journey of Resilience and Growth

In the heart of Um Salamona, situated in Bethlehem governorate, a remarkable story of resilience and determination unfolds. Meet Hayan, a dedicated family man who transformed his life from being an employee to a thriving agricultural entrepreneur, proving that with the right [...]

September 12, 2023|Success Story|

Cultivating Success: The Inspiring Journey of Mr. Thiyab

Meet Mr. Thiyab, a 42-year-old resident of Al-Auja in Jericho Governorate. He is the sole provider for his family of seven, most of whom are children. Mr. Thiyab  used to work as a laborer in his brother's farm, earning a monthly income [...]

September 12, 2023|Success Story|

Huda Al Takatka spends up to four hours a day tending her wicking garden

Huda Al Takatka spends up to four hours a day tending her wicking garden near the town of Beit Fajjar, West Bank, Palestine. “It doesn’t really need that much time,” she says, beaming her infectious smile. “I just like spending time [...]

September 2, 2023|Success Story|

Between “Ben Gavir” and Netanyahu Not Oblivious but Vindictive, The reality of Israeli Apartheid Stands in the occupied Palestinian territory

In the wake of the overwhelming Israeli settlers and the Israeli occupation government increasing their wave of attacks and assaults on the Palestinian people (more than 700 since the beginning of the year 2023) and the latter practicing their right to self-defense. [...]

August 26, 2023|Latest News, Special Reports 2023|
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