monitoring reports

monitoring reports2021-08-28T12:13:34+03:00

Market Information System Summary

The program aims to study, assess and promote agricultural self-sufficiency and sustainable food security through analyzing food consumption, production and marketing systems for agro-food commodities (mainly plant crops). In addition, awareness will be raised regarding the importance of sustainable food options in [...]

July 2, 2014|Project Summary|

ARIJ Report on Occasion of World Day to Combat Desertification 2014

The theme of this year’s World Day to Combat Desertification is Land belongs to the future let’s climate proof it The United Nations World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought is annually observed on June 17 to highlight the urgent need to [...]

June 26, 2014|Latest News|

ARIJ held a workshop for Monitoring and Evaluating the Sustainability of the Tourism Sector in Wadi Al Badhan village

Nablus, June 11, 2014 – Within the project activities of Promoting Socio-economic Sustainable development through innovative technological actions for Mediterranean tourism heritage and landscapes protection clusters (HELAND), ARIJ held a workshop to monitor the tourism sector and measure its performance in Al [...]

June 18, 2014|Latest News|

معهد أريج يباشر بالمسوحات الميدانية لدراسة سلسلة التسويق الزراعي لأهم المحاصيل الزراعية الفلسطينية

يقوم معهد الابحاث التطبيقية (أريج) بتنفيذ مشروع ""تقييم الانتاج والاستهلاك الغذائي من أجل استدامة الزراعة والأمن الغذائي في الضفة الغربية – فلسطين" وبالشراكة مع وزارة الزراعة الفلسطينية ووزارة الاقتصاد الوطني وبتمويل من قبل المركز الكندي لبحوث التنمية الدولية (IDRC) منذ بداية عام [...]

June 18, 2014|Project News|
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