monitoring reports

monitoring reports2021-08-28T12:13:34+03:00

ARIJ deplores the conduct of the Ministerial Committee on Legislation aims at putting severe restrictions on foreign governmental funding to Non-Governmental Organisations in Israel

The Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem (ARIJ) deplores the conduct of the Ministerial Committee on Legislation of 13 November 2011 which favoured the two draft bills that aims at putting severe restrictions on foreign governmental funding to Non-Governmental Organisations in Israel. ARIJ [...]

January 27, 2014|Latest News|

The Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem (ARIJ) deplores and condemns the death threats against Hagit Ofran, the Settlement Watch Director project of the Israeli Peace Now movement. ARIJ considers that such threats are against international human rights

The Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem (ARIJ) deplores and condemns the death threats against Hagit Ofran, the Settlement Watch Director project of the Israeli Peace Now movement. ARIJ considers that such threats are against international human right norms, inter alia, the inherent [...]

January 27, 2014|Latest News|

Monitoring Actions and Transformations in the Palestinian Territory to Develop Policies and Strategies for Conflict Management and Peace Building

Funded by:  European Commission Co-financed by: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Partners:   Land Resource Center (LRC) Starting Date: October 2011 Ending Date: May 2014 Website: The objective of this project is to provide the stakeholders with up to [...]

January 27, 2014|Latest News|

Initiating Rural Agro-Production Social Enterprise

Funded by: Commonwealth of Australia represented by the Australian Agency for International Development AusAID Starting Date: October 2011 Ending Date: September 2012 The project will assist the cooperative women members (30 women) in Al-Jalma Village of Jenin Governorate to establish a suitable [...]

January 27, 2014|Latest News|

The Economic Costs of the Israeli Occupation for the occupied Palestinian Territory

The Economic Costs of the Israeli Occupation for the occupied Palestinian Territory The Israeli military occupation of the Palestinian territory imposes a huge price tag on the Palestinian economy. Israeli restrictions prevent Palestinians from accessing much of their land and from exploiting [...]

January 25, 2014|Latest News|
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