monitoring reports

monitoring reports2021-08-28T12:13:34+03:00

ARIJ in cooperation with the Bethlehem Business Incubator – Bethlehem University, concluded a 45 hour capacity building program for youths groups

ARIJ, in cooperation with the Bethlehem Business Incubator – Bethlehem University, concluded a 45 hour capacity building program for youths groups that included trainings on digital marketing, innovation and design, and marketing principles, with the submission of a marketing plan implemented within [...]

November 21, 2022|Latest News|

Support for a Two State Solution Should Be Support to End the Violent Settler Movement

Within the past year, a multitude of world leaders have expressed or re-expressed their support for a two state solution, including current Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid. The UN, since the 1970s, has voiced its support for a two state solution and [...]

October 22, 2022|Latest News, Special Reports 2022|

Tahani’s aspiration of becoming a successful bee farmer became a reality after she joined the World Food Program and ARIJ resilience project

Starting from scratch, faced with difficult living conditions and lack of opportunities, Mrs. Tahani, a widow aged 50 from Deir Al-Ghosun, Tulkarm and her family started beekeeping as one of the beneficiaries of the project. She suffers from chronic spinal diseases [...]

October 11, 2022|Success Story|

Israel Violates Human Rights through the Collective Punishment of the Qunbar Family

Introduction On September 22, 2022, the Israeli Appeals Court upheld an order to revoke the East Jerusalem residency of seventeen members of the Qunbar family. These revocations are a punitive action in response to Fadi Qunbar’s alleged car attack on Israeli soldiers [...]

October 3, 2022|Latest News, Special Reports 2022|
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