
The Nutritional Status in Palestine

Nutritional status is one of the indicators of both the level of development and the development potential of a given country. In many developing countries nutritional status is linked to the availability of food, often relation directly to food production in a [...]

December 19, 1995|1995 Papers|

Olive Oil in the West Bank

Olive trees are one of the most suitable trees for the Palestine soil and climate. This tree, characterized its ability to withstand the hot and dry climate, develops very well in the sandy and clay soil. Olive trees are in need to [...]

December 19, 1995|1995 Papers|

Core Issues of the Palestinian-Israeli Water Dispute

Israel controls the greater part of the Jordan River basin and the West Bank's aquifers. Palestinian consumption is severely restricted by the military authorities, causing serious water deficiencies in most Palestinian homes. Questions of rights to water resources have thus far been [...]

December 19, 1994|1994 Papers|

The Intensifying Water Crisis in Palestine

Water lies at the heart of the Arab-Israeli dispute in general and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in particular. Palestine, defined here as the West Bank including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, occupies a unique status from a hydrological point of view, where [...]

December 19, 1994|1994 Papers|
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